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An interview is a face –to-face meeting, especially for the purpose of obtaining a statement or for assessing the qualities of a candidate. It further, indicates a physical meeting of people.
1. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This will give you ample time to catch your breath, gather your thoughts and make a quick trip to the washroom to give your appearance one final check. To avoid unnecessary stress, choose your interview attire the night before.

2. Greet the interviewer by his or her last name. If you are unsure of the pronunciation, do ask the employer to repeat it. Or better still, check it with the front desk personnel or receptionist before walking into the interview room.

3. Let the interviewer lead the conversation but try to get him/her to describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position.

4. When asked: "Tell me about yourself?", focus your answers on your background and a few professional and personal accomplishments.

5. Stress on your achievements. For example: your sales records, the processes you have developed or systems installed, projects that you initiated, etc.
6. Show enthusiasm. This can be demonstrated through verbal and non-verbal cues (for example, appropriate body language like nodding can be used to support your interest). Enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.

7. Answer questions by speaking in terms of the position. Emphasise what you can do for the company. Mention specific accomplishments that show your abilities and determination to succeed in this job. Your answers describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position. should tell the employer why you would be an asset to the company and not why you need a job.

8. Bring an extra copy of your resume.

9. Explain whenever possible; don't answer with a simple "yes" or "no."

Be prepared to answer questions such as:

* Tell me about yourself.
* Tell me about your background and accomplishments.
* What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
* How would you describe your most recent job performance?
* What interests you about our company?

Also, be prepared to ask questions such as:

* What would I be expected to accomplish in this position?
* What are the greatest challenges in this position?
* How do you think I fit the position?

Remember, your lack of questions may be mistaken as lack of interest in the job.
Entering the room:
 Prior to entering the room, adjust your attire so that it falls well.
 Before entering enquire by saying, ‘May I come in Sir / Madam’ If the door was closed before you entered, make sure you shut the door behind you softly.
 Face the panel and confidently say ‘Good day Sir /Madam’ If the members of the interview board want to shake hands, then offer a firm grip first maintaining eye contact and a smile.
 Seek permission to sit down. If the interviewers are standing, wait for them to sit down first before sitting. 
Enthusiasm :
 The interviewer normally pays more attention if you display an enthusiasm in whatever you say.
You should maintain a cheerful disposition throughout the interview.
Don’t Bluff:
  If you do not know the answer to a question, it is better to acknowledge it, rather than trying to bluff your way through it.
 The interviewer will respect your honesty.
 In our experience, interviewers immediately take a stance of grilling a candidate if they suspect him of her of lying
Interviewer Fatigue: 
 Mostly interviews are conducted the whole day leading to fatigued minds
 A little humor as a starter will ease the fatigued mind
You must be proactive in offering information about yourself as the interviewers will be willing listeners.
Be well-mannered: 
 The way you conduct yourself reflects your upbringing and your culture.
 It is good to project an air of humility
Over confidence is often misinterpreted by interviewees as arrogance
Avoid Slang: ·
During an interview, slang will probably not be understood, and certainly not appreciated.
 Your communication needs to be as formal and explicit as possible.
Be poised: 
 Your posture during the interview adds or diminishes your personality.
 You should keep all certificates, testimonials and other relevant documents neatly on the table, preferably in a single file.
It is vital to be conscious about your posture and gesticulations as they tell a lot about our personality
Eye contact:
 You must eye contact with the panel, right through the interview. This shows your self-confidence and honesty Many interviewees’ while answering, tend to look away.
 This conveys you are concealing your own anxiety, fear and lack of confidence.
Listen carefully: 
 It is imperative for you to listen carefully to the questions being asked
. If a question is not clear, it would be quite in order for you to seek clarification on the same.
 Seeking clarification is far better than giving an irrelevant answer.
 It is very annoying when an interviewee misinterprets the questions, and answers by saying something which is irrelevant.
Be natural: 
 Many interviewees adopt a stance which is not their natural self.
 Interviewers appreciate a natural person rather than an actor.
 It is best for you to talk in the natural manner because then you appear genuine.

Tell me about yourself.
 This is a very general question in which you can say almost anything about yourself.
 Prepare yourself for such a question so that you can tell about those things which are important such as basic details, your personality traits, achievements, aspirations, motivations and ambitions.
Remember that a two sentence answer will only convey how little there is to know about yourself
What are your strengths and weakness?
This is a question that has stumped many an interviewee.
 It is asked to ascertain how much you know about yourself, since a person who knows oneself well is likely to be more effective in life.
 Go to the interview having thought out well in advance what your strengths and weakness are and how you intend to improve on your weaknesses.

Tell us about your family background.

This question is asked by interviewers in order to determine the social, cultural, religious and economic milieu you have come from.
 It gives the interviewer a clue about your attitudes and values
The best approach for such a question is to bring out not only the facts of parentage and background but also some of the good principals they have taught you. Mention family values.
Managing yourself effectively under all circumstances is critical to your success. Tell yourself that you are as much an architect of a good interview as the panel. You will enjoy the experience with this perspective.

If you are interested in the position, stress this to the interviewer. If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, do not let your discouragement show. Once in a while an interviewer who is genuinely interested in you may seem to discourage you as a way of testing your reaction. Remember to thank the interviewer for his/her time and end the session with a confident and firm handshake.

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